Friday, August 29, 2014

Make the Investment & make plans to getaway with God!

I am so excited about this year's O.N.E. with the Father Women's Conference & Advance at The Revelation Of Christ Church and Kiawah Island Golf Resort!  I cannot tell you how important it is as women of God to make time to spend with the Lord and fellowship with our sisters in Christ.  When we come together we are stronger!  When we seek His face we are better!  When we set aside time to dwell in His presence we become more than conquerors!  Remember, we are stronger together than we apart.  Join us this fall, November 19-23, 2014. Don't delay & don't miss it!  Register TODAY at  Can't wait to see you there! 

First Lady J

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Don't Miss What Is Next!

Do you know that God has so much in store for you in the second half of 2014?  Don't let the heat of the summer and the hustle and bustle of every day life dull your sense of expectation of what God can do. He will meet you right where you are of you want to hear from Him. So make sure you attend the O.N.E. with the Father Women's Conference & Advance this fall as we seek God's face "Before an Open Window" and receive all that He has for you!

O.N.E. with the Father Women's Conference & Advance
The Revelation Of Christ Church & Kiawah Island Golf Resort
November 19-23, 2014
Charleston, SC

Register Today at!

Twitter @1withthefather