I have been so blessed this past week during our church anniversary to witness the testimonies of so many who have went through trials, tribulations, even thoughts of suicide and God still brought them out because they stayed in the house of God! I witnessed people first hand share how they cried out to God in their distress and He heard them and delivered them. These stories were shared because they realized that it was their faith and trust in God and even their commitment to still go to church and worship, that caused them to GROW through it and out of it. It was because of His grace and mercy and the love of the Father that enabled them to see themselves beyond their situation and HOPE for more!
I realized more now than ever that we are all real people with real issues serving a REAL GOD! We can act like everything is okay all the time but the reality is that if it had not been for Jesus on our side where would we be! Most importantly, we need to share our testimonies and let people see how God He is. We need to witness to others about our salvation and how good it is to be in a personal relationship with Christ whom we serve, and how God blesses you when you stay in the house of the Lord! That is true GROWTH; when you don't mind sharing how God has brought you UP and OUT for the world to see so that people may come to know Him. All in all, Psalm 92:12-13 says it best, that "The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God".
Be encouraged today to know, that despite what you go through, if you stay faithful and come to the house of the Lord, you will GROW through it and flourish in Jesus name!
First Lady J
Author of Daily Professions
Twitter @1withthefather