In a day and time like today, it is the perfect season to say "NEVER AGAIN". There are so many things going on in our world from the war against terrorism, racism, violence, abuse, arguments over sexual preference to even horrific weather storms that are topping the charts. It can cause one to be wrapped up in an emotional whirlwind of times and people that are changing every day. However, God quickened me the other day and said you do not have to live based upon what the world does or what man says or thinks. You just have to live by what my Word says and by what I have established through it. I realized at that moment that God created the heavens and the earth and I am a part of what He created. Therefore, I never have to be overwhelmed, discouraged, or look to man for stability because God has not changed. Malachi 3:6 says "For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore you sons of Jacob are not consumed." So, I have to declare that NEVER AGAIN do I have to worry, or doubt, or fret when I can lean on the very ONE that is in control in the first place. He is the one who created me, established me, and has great plans for me, my family and for His people. I have just got to keep my eyes on Him, rest in His sovereignty and say to fear, doubt, and despair, "NEVER AGAIN"!
I pray this helps you this morning! Now, we just have to keep each other in check on that one :) Then we can rest in His joy, His peace, and in His protection because He is GOD and we belong to Him!
First Lady J
Author of Daily Professions
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