Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Draw Nigh Unto Him

     There is a love that the Father has for you that no one else can give.  You can see it in the way He watches over you, keeps you, and provides for you.  You can hear it in a song of worship or a melody of praise.  You feel His presence when you need Him, call His name, fall on your knees, or even when you sit still in His presence and just breathe for a moment.  It is a love so dear that He gave His only begotten Son so that you could be in relationship with Him as child of God.  I used to recite John 3:16 all the time as a child but when you really reflect upon His word it tells the depth of His love for us:

"For God so loved the world...that He gave His only begotten Son...that whosoever believes in Him...shall not perish...but have everlasting life."  

     I don't know which part of that verse touches you but each part of it tells us of a different part of His character.  Oh He loves us so!  He will give up what is most dear to bring us back to Him.  He opens His arms so that anyone can believe in His Son.  Then through Jesus' sacrifice of His life, by dying on the cross and rising again, He gave us power over death, victory over sin and bondage, and the inheritance of eternal life with Him forever. So, why not run to Him? Why not draw nigh to Him in prayer, in worship, in the posture of raising your hands, or even in the yearning of your heart for more of who He is, when nothing on this earth can do.  He is waiting for you to draw near to Him, even in silence so that you can Hear His voice.  He wants you to feel the warmth of His presence, to cleanse you from your sins, and show you even more of His love!  Just draw nigh unto Him and He will draw nigh to you (James 4:8a).

This I profess in Jesus name!

First Lady J
Author of Daily Professions
Twitter @1withthefather

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