Friday, December 11, 2015


     In this day and time, we have got to REJOICE & BE GLAD about to whom we belong and who we are COVERED by!  There are so many different things that keep happening in our world that can cause fear, doubt, or even tempt us to live in anxiety as to what will happen next.  However, we have to declare that we are COVERED & PROTECTED in Jesus name!  When Jesus died on the cross for us, He shed His blood for the remission of our sins but He also gave us VICTORY over death or anything that would come against us.  So, there is no sin, no past bondage, no devil in hell, nor anything present that can separate us from the love of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:38-39). We have to declare and say “WE ARE COVERED IN JESUS NAME!”  If we can confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts that Jesus died and rose again just for us (Romans 10:9) than we can best believe that His protection over us as His children is not going to be any less when God made sure to SAVE us! 

     We are COVERED by the blood of the Lamb! This is why “perfect love casts out fear” as it says in I John 4:18. Even when Jesus was born, attacks tried to come against Him and fear tried to enter in His family when King Herod wanted to kill Him.  However, God wanted to make it known that nothing can stop the LIGHT & LOVE that I am sending into this dark world and even in death JESUS STILL WON because He rose again! When we fully understand that the same Jesus that died on the cross for us has also given us VICTORY over death or any attack of the enemy, we can REJOICE & BE GLAD!  Romans 8:37 says “We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us”.  So, we must walk in that truth for Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me.”, John 14:6. 

    As long as we are under His care, we are COVERED and PROTECTED by the Father, and we do not have to fear what man or anyone else can do to our families, our cities, or our nations, because ultimately we have EVERLASTING LIFE with Him!  So, as we approach the celebration of His birth let us REJOICE & BE GLAD in the truth that He was sent to SAVE us and we have the VICTORY through JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD!  For we are in His hands and NO ONE can pluck us out (John 10:28).  This I profess in Jesus name!    

First Lady J
Tweet @1withthefather

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